This Web site is an encomium for one of the most attractive women of our time—indeed, of all time. Barbara Brickner is one of the world’s most famous and visible plus-size models. She is represented by the Ford agency in New York; the Heffner agency in Seattle (where she was “discovered” by agency president Bill Heffner); the Campbell agency in Dallas; Giovanni Models in Montreal; and both Wolf Models and Brigitte Models in Germany. She appeared in numerous editorial spreads in MODE, Grace, Glamour, and Woman’s World magazines, and has worked for many companies worldwide, including Elena Miró (Italy), Reitmans (Canada), Happy Size, Bon Prix, and Adler (Germany), Marks and Spencer (Britain), along with U.S. clients such as Nordstrom, Lands’ End, C.J. Banks, Kohl’s, Eddie Bauer, Catherines, Macy’s, JCPenney, and Carnival Creations. This site currently features seventeen galleries of Barbara Brickner’s images, as well as an original interview with Mrs. Brickner, along with discussions of her most memorable editorial and test images. Fans will particularly enjoy watching Barbara’s promotional video from her former agency, Wilhelmina. Barbara’s greatest MODE magazine editorial images appear as illustrations a brand-new interview called MODE Matters, profiling one of the magazine’s founders. More information about Mrs. Brickner is available in an interview conducted by Elena Miró, in an article that appeared in The Seattle Times, in another that appeared in Woman’s World, as well as in a brief portrait of the model, compiled from features in MODE magazine. Fans may also enjoy reading about the influence that Barbara’s work has had on the plus-size fashion industry in an illustrated essay titled “The New Femininity.” The newest addition to this site is an .mp3 file of a song composed by Mrs. Brickner as a tribute to a friend who passed away at a tragically young age. Barbara wrote both the words and the music to this piece, titled “Shannon’s Song: She Is Alive,” and fans can listen to the work via the hyperlinked Web page. The most significant features of this Web project are the The Judgment of Paris Survey and Timeless Beauty pages, which situate the remarkable beauty of the world’s most celebrated plus-size models within a literary, artistic, and historical framework. Anyone who is curious about how the voting on the former site is progressing can find out at No Second Troy. Visitors with a fond memory of the late, lamented MODE magazine may be drawn to The Lydian MODE, a collection of MODE bulletin-board messages penned by a regular contributor to the magazine’s forum. These messages are all quite lively, and their author never fails to affirm plus-size beauty. “Plus ça change…” celebrates artists and entrepreneurs who are spearheading our culture’s aesthetic restoration through the power of beautiful images. And visitors looking for Web sites devoted to other plus-size models can find a generous selection on the links page. |
Although this is a non-profit, “unofficial” encomium, if the copyright holders of any of the images found within object to having their work reproduced on these pages, I would ask that they notify me, so that I may remove the offending items.
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